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Who are we?

Official Logo - Simbahang Universal.png

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) is a help center founded in Brazil in 1977 by Bishop Edir Macedo. Everything started under a small park shelter in

Rio De Janeiro with Edir preaching to a a few number of people with a mic, keyboard and a Bible. Now, the work has spread all over Brazil having 5,000 branches and has also reached more than 130 countries abroad including the Philippines and is still counting.

What is our mission?

Help people transform their lives through the power of faith.

Throughout the years, we have seen different kinds of people from different walks of life enter inside of the church full of problems, sick, depressed and losing hope. But it all changed when they learned the way of faith.

What do we do?

We are here to help.

The work of the UCKG focuses on helping people including the poor, the addicted, the broken, the lost, and all considered rejected by the society to start a new beginning. Proof of this are the numerous life transformations of people who once came with their lives shattered but now live with their lives in happiness and peace all through the power of their faith.

  • We are also Unisocial

Weekly hospital visits to pray for the sick and their families, we also donate hygiene products and offer spiritual support to the elderly and the inmates of prisons. We also held social works for the residents of different barangays all over the Philippines.

  • We are also Online

We have daily online services.

You can join us in one of our daily programs, check out the schedule below:

Word of the Day – 7am
Our Daily Bread Podcast – 8am

Awakening of Faith – 12nn

Find us on our official Facebook and Youtube Channel.

Facebook: UCKG Philippines

Youtube: UCKG Philippines Official


Where to find us?

Headquarters: UCKG Building Gen. Roxas Avenue, Araneta City, Cubao – Quezon City

We have 26 branches all over the Philippines. Visit the page for complete address of each branch near you.

Contact us: 0919 991 9307 |

© 2024 UCKG Help Center Philippines

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